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Glass art ordered for Princess Mary

Glass artist Agnethe Maagaard, Bøvlingbjerg has again delivered glass art for the royal family.
It was commissioned by KK electronic Ikast.

In 2009 delivered Agnethe gift, ENERGY” to Queen Margaret when she visited KK electronic Ikast on his official visit to Brande Municipality.

This work of art is now pictured on the Queen’s table at Marselisborg castle in a book that the queen has released the castle’s history.

In week 20 Denmark makes a business promotion drives in Poland with the royal couple at the forefront.

KK electronic has among others a branch in Poland, which Princess Mary will visit, and it is on this occasion that the KK electronic has commissioned a unique gift from Agnethe Maagaard.

It is a great pleasure for me again to be allowed to make art for the royal family.
Director Tommy Jespersen gave me free rein to find the theme of the gift. I chose the Mary Foundation and their visions.

It has been a very exciting task, Crown Princess Mary is a person with a huge heart and a social commitment, who is passionate about the vulnerable in our society.

The words of Mary Foundation: A BETTER LIFE, RESPECT, HOPE, TOLERANCE and CARE are embedded as details of the glass art.

The butterfly, which is Foundation logo is used to break and consolidate the mold.
I am very happy with the result. Says Agnethe Maagaard.

You can see Agnethe Maagaard glass art at the summer exhibition at Bovbjerg lighthouse in June.

The title of this piece is: HOPE and TOLERANCE 

A momento of grandfather

the 18th Feb, 2014

After our beloved grandfather’s death we were offered to select “a piece of art or other” by my father as a memento of grandfather and Bøvlingbjerg, the choice fell immediately on a dish from Maagaard glass.

We arranged a meeting with Nethe, and discussed what thoughts we had about the design. Among other things, should the dish be matching our home with the colors black, red and “steel” and also we would like to have 2 smilies into the dish, as a symbol of the importance of joy/smile in life. These 2 smilies should be respectively blue and brown eyes, symbolizing the eye colors of our 2 daughters.

Then Nethe started and after a few weeks, we had the glass art. A unique piece of art where Nethe professionally managed to get all our ideas and thoughts built into the dish. The dish or art piece conjures up all the feelings and thoughts that have been the idea behind the project – ideas for grandpa, our dear two smiling girls, and not least the importance of joy and smile in life.

Thanks Nethe, nothing less than unique!

Morten og Leke Brask